Visa Assistance

The company has better experience in providing complete visa services for employees going abroad.

Ticket Assistance

We take the responsibility of providing the tickets for the passenger’s in low cost since we have linkage with renowned ticket agencies.

Manpower Processing Assistance

We provide complete manpower processing assistance through BMET (Bangladesh Manpower Employment & Training) to get SMART Card for employees.

Staffing Services

MVO ensures the best-talented staffing services from home and abroad for your organization. If our clients require short-term or even full-time employees for your organizations we are ready to come forward with your needs.

Outsourcing Services

Reduce your operating costs – Money and resources can be better utilized in other areas of your company. Without the burden of recruiting and training staff, purchasing hardware and software, and maintaining the system, your expenses will be lower.

Free consultation services

We provide Free Consultation Services to our present and potential candidates

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